LeoXbot User Manual


   Leoxbot is a machine that similar to a 3D printer. Uses open source program called Ultimaker Cura . Leoxbot is made to print direct on fabric using extruder. Just like screen printing, we use plastisol, waterbased ink, acrylic ink and more. Aside from printing the machine can also be connected to a Roland vinyl cutter that can cut vinyl or any other sticker.

LeoXbot is has a 12" X 14 " workable area. Height is set to 100 mm coz height does not matter in printing , cutting and engraving. It is configured to runs faster than traditional 3D printer. The machine is able to do multi color by simply stacking of STL files using cad programs like Tingkercad.

Printing in in white fabric color is easy but in dark fabric you need to print white base first then the main color. You can use screen mesh to make it more vivid.

MODULE 1. Ultimaker Cura .

Ultimaker Cura Slicer is the main 3D printer slicer that used in LeoXbot (LXB) for it is the most advance and popular open source slicer. Learning Cura is the heart of LeoXbot. Cura is the program in which control the speed, ink flow, height, width , acceleration of the x-y-z- axis . Including the stop and paused for changing syringe cartridge.

a. How to install and set-up Ultimaker Cura .

Dowload your ultimaker Cura at the link below. Use costume machine when setting up the machine. https://ultimaker.com/software/ultimaker-cura/.

1.Download and Install Ultimaker cura.

2. Open Cura and Set your costume machine.

Congratulation ! your CURA is now ready to Slice and print.

Cura Set-up Parameters for Printing.

MODULE 2 : How to make image for printing .